Burden City Pool



Mon-Sat: 12:00pm-6:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm-5:00pm
Memorial Day: 12:00pm-7:00pm
Fourth of July: 12:00pm-10:00pm
Labor Day: 1 pm-7pm
Adult (14+) $1.50
Child (6-13) $1.00
Infant (0-5) Free
Children 7 and under MUST be
accompanied by someone 16 or older.

We strive to make your visit pleasant and enjoyable, therefore undesirable behaviors and/or profanity will not be tolerated. Please assist our staff in maintaining a safe, clean, and positive environment. Cooperation with staff requests, adherence to pool policies, and respect for other guests is expected. Individuals who abuse policies/regulations may be warned before being asked to leave the facility. The Burden City Pool is an alcohol, drug, tobacco, and firearm-free environment. No smoking will be permitted on City Pool grounds.

Lorri Lowe, Supervisor
Michelle Doll Whiteman, Manager
Georganna Hopper, Head Guard
Ashley Wham, Head Guard
Christina Hankins, Guard
Kody Magner, Guard
Megan Q'Bryan, Guard
Drew Reinolds, Guard
General Pool Rules and Regulations:

American Red Cross-certified lifeguards are on duty. at all times for your safety Please. obey lifeguards at all times.

Children 7 and under must be accompanied by an adult (16 or older).

The pool may close due to severe weather or circumstances beyond our control.

To maintain healthy water quality, we ask that you:
Wear proper swim wear (no cutoffs or shoes in pool) .
Do not swim with open cuts/sores/lesionsl/infectious or obvious communicable disease (including using the pool within two weeks of having diarrhea-CDC recommendation)
Shower thoroughly before entering the pool (head-to-toe)
Put children who are not potty-trained in a swim diaper (available at office)

For your safety, we ask that you avoid:

Dangerous horseplay (running, pushing, hitting).
Diving in area of the shallow end.
Chewing gum, drinking or spitting the water.
Throwing children into the air.
Bringing in containers made of glass.
Extended breath-holding activities.
Jumping into crowded areas.
Chicken fights or having children on the shoulders.
Allowing non-swimmers (small children, weak swimmers) in the deep end.
Playing in the baby pool if you are over the age of five.


No refunds will be given if we have to close for the day.
Inclement Weather
We will be closed on days that lighting/thunder is spotted/heard.
If the weather changes while open, we will close the pool for twenty minutes while watching the sky.
If the inclement weather continues, we will close. 
If the weather improves, we will reopen the pool.

There are toys, arm floaties, tubes, goggles, etc. that are available for use free of charge.

Please be kind to the equipment you use so the next person can also enjoy it.

There are concessions available to customers.

Food and Drink must remain on the table provided or in the concessions area (the red line outlines the area).

Lost & Found

Inquire at the office when searching for lost items. Our staff would be happy to look for your item.


Patrons can take a call on the office phone, but we ask that your conversation be brief, as the phone is a business line.


We have a shower room available to keep personal belongings and/or clothing.

We also have baskets available in the office to keep valuables (i.e. money, jewelry, etc).

Emergency Contact Form

Everyone under the age of 18 MUST have an emergency contact form on file in the office. NO exceptions.


Swimming Lessons

June 18-22 and June 25-29
 9:00 am -12:00pm
Ages 5 and up (all levels available)
Water Aerobics
All summer long 6:15pm-7:15pm
Every Tuesday and Thursday beginning June 5
Family Swim/Adult Swim
All summer long 6:30pm-8:00pm
Family Swim dates: June 4, 18, July 2,16,30
 Adult Swim dates: June 11, 25, July 9, 23, Aug. 6
All dates except holidays open.
We recommend all parties be booked at least two weeks in advance. Parties are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis.

A $25.00 deposit due at time of booking.

Table and chairs provided.


Party Package #1

30 or less people.
Party Package #2
31 to 60 people.
Party plates, napkins, balloons and tablecloth provided.
Special Gift for Birthday Persons.

Burden City Pool

Phone: 620-438-3222

E-mail: married062803@yahoo.com